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Book a self drive or rail package by March 31st.Step back in time to see what 19th/early 20th century life was like in Cork - inside and outside prison walls. Amazingly lifelike figures, furnished cells, sound effects and fascinating exhibitions allow the visitor to experience day to day life for prisoners and gaoler.
Situated in the unlikely setting of the former Governor's House the "Radio Museum Experience" deals not alone with the early days of Irish & international radio broadcasting but with the impact of its invention on all our lives. Stepping inside visitors are taken back in time to the 19th century wandering through the wings of the goal. The atmosphere suggests you are accompanied by the shuffling feet of inmates, each representing their particular period in Irish history from pre-famine times to the foundation of the state. The cells are furnished with amazing life like wax figures: original graffiti on cell walls tell the visual tells the innermost feelings of some inmates while a very spectacular audio visual and social history and contrasting lifestyles of the 19th Co. Cork and why some people turned to crime and some ended up in Australia.
This exhibition fascinates visitor of all ages and nationalities. The tour is available in up to 13 languages. At the same location and uniquely situated in the former Governor’s House. Is the Radio museum Experience incorporating Governor’s House. Is the Radio Museum Experience incorporating the restored 6CK Radio Broadcasting Studio. There is a wonderful collection of artefacts, including the RTT, Collection, Providing a nostalgic trip back to the early days of radio.