Knitting Tours of Ireland

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2 vacations met your criteria

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Knitting Tours

7 Night Scotland and England - Great British Quilt Quest

Embark on a delightful quilting adventure through Scotland and England, blending creativity, culture, and stunning landscapes!

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Knitting Tours

7 Night Threads of Éire Quilting Tour

Welcome to our 7-night Threads of Éire Quilting Tour, a journey through Ireland where craft, culture, and creativity intertwine!

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Discovering Ireland are now offering an array of superb knitting tours. Enjoy your Ireland vacation in 2016 or 2017 by taking part in these group tours that celebrate the art and skill of knitting. Our two two tours that celebrate Knitting in Ireland, are based either in the south of Ireland tour, taking inthe South and West of the country and the North of Ireland knitting tour is concentrated in the North and West of Ireland.

Both knitting group tours include workshops and craft based as well as general sightseeing.  Please review the tour links below for more information & travel dates.

Visit our brand to see our full range of Knitting Tours in Ireland & Scotland!